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更新时间:7/9/2021 来源: 浏览次数:167


众所周知,雅思大作文写作的评分由三部分组成。分别是:TR,CC,LR,GRA。而LR(Lexical Resources)则是不少考生在备考雅思时的痛点。因为词汇资源的积累与恰当应用需要长时间的语言输入才能达到。很多考生不管是在考试写作中或者平时备考练习写作中都会面临脑海里蹦不出合适的词伙或者词语表达自己的意思,不过不用灰心,正规的学术写作的用词和规范需要长时间的训练才能见到成果,但是雅思本质上也是考试,是考试就有方法和策略,短期内是可以达到考试要求的。而短期提高LR得分最好的方法是去“偷取”范文的表达,积累自己脑子里一下子蹦不出来的表达词以及避免行文重复的同义词。


首先我们看一篇《剑桥雅思14Test3Task2》写作练习band 6.5学生范文

Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of different cultures and ages together.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.


    There is an opinion that individuals of different ages and cultures can be brought together well by music. As far as I am concerned, view is completely true.

    Firstly, music is a favorable approach to making people from different cultural background together. This is because music can express some specific feelings that can resonate with the audience, and these feelings are what human beings share without being exposed to the same ethnicity. For example, an English song entitled Yesterday Once More has been popular in China as well as all around the world as it shows a sense of nostalgia through the rhythm without being in the same culture and understanding what the lyrics of this song mean. In this case, some Chinese citizens are encouraged to go to concerts of foreign artists along with other audiences of other nationalities. This shows that people of diverse origins can be united through music.

    Second, music can also be an ideal connection between young and senior people. This is because some famous songs are able to be passed from one generation to another, which means that they may have a shared memory which can close their gap of ages. For example, in China, a band from Hong Kong , Beyond, has been staying renowned since 1990s, and many people ,no matter what their ages are ,know this band and almost all people can sing one of their songs. In the occasion where young people have to sing songs in KTV with some middle-aged relatives, they can select some songs of the group to sing together in case they  an embarrassing situation where they are unable to sing the songs they select mutually.

    In conclusion, my opinion is that music’s ability to transcend cultural and generational gaps is unmatched.


例:people should behave themselves.

    Individuals should behave themselves.


· favorable adj. 有利的;良好的;赞成的,赞许的;讨人喜欢的


favorable policy优惠政策;

favorable approach 有利的方法

favorable 可以用在雅思写作中替代good,增加LR得分,提高作文的formal tune,同时也更符合雅思写作中学术规范性的要求。

如:范文中“music is a favorable approach to making people from different cultural background together. ”也许考生们在写作练习中第一想到的是good approach,现在就可以积累多一个替换词.


· ideal adj. 理想的;完美的;想象的;不切实际的

范文:music can also be an ideal connection between young and senior people.



· ethnicity n.种族渊源;种族特点

范文:and these feelingsare what human beings share without being exposed to the same ethnicity.


· resonate vt. 共鸣;共振vi. 共鸣;共振

范文:This is because music can express some specific feelings that can resonate with the audience.

resonate常用的搭配是...(事物作主语) resonate with somebody 意即.....使得某人产生共鸣。范文中说音乐可以表达一些产生让观众产生共鸣的特定情感。同样地,当我们说某一些社会议题令人产生共鸣或者是令人关心的时候,我们也可以用这个短语进行表达。

如:Whether retirement should be delayed or not resonate with citizens. 居民们关心是否该延迟退休

· diverse  adj. 不同的,相异的;多种多样的,形形色色的

范文:This shows that people of diverse origins can be united through music.

在这篇范文当中,考生用diverse替代different避免重复提高LR得分,除了diverse可以替代different,various也是一个好用而且常用的替换词,可在写作中进行同义替换,向考官展示自己的词汇运用能力。而在雅思阅读中,diverse常以它的名词形式diversity作为一些人文社科或者是生物科技的术语出现,意为多样性。热门话题里的文化多样性就是 cultural diversity,生物多样性biodiversity(bio词根+diversity)/ biological diversity。

· renowned  adj. 著名的;有声望的

范文:in China, a band from Hong Kong , Beyond, has been staying renowned since 1990s.

考生在范文中用renowned替代famous 增加LR得分。在雅思阅读原文中,renowned也是一个时常出现在原文的词,然后在题干中用famous同义替换进行考察。同样的单词还是prestigious,也是famous常用的同义替换词。在写作中我们如果要表达著名的,就有renowned/famous/prestigious/well-known这四个单词选择使用,提高LR得分。

· transcend vt. 超越;跨越

范文:my opinion is that music’s ability to transcend cultural and generational gaps is unmatched.

在总结段,考生用音乐跨越文化种族界限来改写原文中“音乐把人连结在一起”的观点。而由此,我们也就学到了一个表达:跨越....界限 transcend/cross/go beyond  ....gaps。

不管是在雅思写作备考环节还是其他备考环节,词汇运用的熟练度和丰富度都是这个语言考试成功的重要保障。在备考过程中,我们不仅要积累丰富多样的表达,更重要的积累词汇所形成短语搭配,如果一篇文章由百分之七八十的恰当合适的短语搭配组成,那么LR的得分也就不会低于7分。因此,在雅思写作中,多积累并运用诸如范文中“cultural generational gaps”的词伙,会让文章显得更地道,学术性与正式性更规范。